Finding the right accountant can prove to be time consuming and sometimes difficult – taking in excess information about your accounts and taxation that isn’t needed can fill up your head and confuse you, but here at Majors Certified Accountants we keep everything clear and concise so you don’t get confused.
We have been operating since 1988 in the heart of Hull City, voted ‘City of Culture’ for 2017. Over time we have a lot of loyal customers who have entrusted us to deal with their business finances and payroll for many years. We help clients all over the UK with their accounts and our clients are always satisfied with the service we provide.
We are one of Hull’s leading accountancy firms and are happy to help your business with its needs, whether it is cloud bookkeeping, payroll, taxation or something completely different – Majors CertifiedAccountants are here to help! Feel free to contact us and a member of our team will be happy to help you!